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The Great Creativity Toolkit
The Great Creativity Toolkit - Lessons
1. Introduction
2. Making Creativity a Life Purpose Choice (Michele Jennae) (14:05)
3. Right-Brain, Left-Brain and Whole Brain Thinking (Elise V. Allan) (8:28)
4. Incubating Ideas (Elena Greco) (10:15)
5. Creating a Better Relationship with Your Imperfection (Jacqui Beck) (6:25)
6. Messiness, Playfulness and Wildness as Creative Tools (Jacqui Beck) (15:10)
7. Finding Your Thing, (Ingrid Lill) (11:47)
8. Maintaining Passion in the Artistic Life (Judith Kampfner) (22:28)
9. Working with Your Creative Cycle (Elise V. Allan) (17:18)
10. Feeling Resistant to Creating (Alia Thabit) (19:21)
11. Dealing with Self-Censorship (Anne Carley) (7:25)
12. Dealing with Self-Criticism (Nefeli Soteriou) (4:31)
13. Handling Creative Anxiety (Nick Lazaris) (10:22)
14. Silencing Negative Self-Talk (Anne Carley) (8:35)
15. Creating in the Middle of Life (Clare Thorbes) (7:51)
16. Journaling to Expand Creativity (Jennifer Kerr) (5:34)
17. Feeling (and Not Feeling) Creative (Dianne Ochiltree) (8:02)
18. Completing Projects (Anya Toomre) (9:46)
19. Showing and Selling Creative Work (Gaia Orion) (18:02)
20. Dealing with Prospective Audience Criticism (Liz Verna) (6:40)
21. Handling Marketplace Silence and Indifference (Gaia Orion) (19:29)
22. Dealing with Multiple Creative Projects (Mike Kavanagh) (5:04)
23. Dealing with Multiple Creative Disciplines (Mike Kavanagh) (5:00)
24. Staying Organized Throughout the Creative Process (Mike Kavanagh) (5:00)
25. Having Projects Shift, Morph and Change (Anne Carley) (11:18)
26. Maintaining Motivation Over Time (Anya Toomre) (5:47)
27. Juggling Creativity and Parenting (Beth Ann Dailey) (5:09)
28. Dealing with Unsupportive Family Members (Nefeli Soteriou) (4:40)
29. The Creative Reset: Beginning Again (Erin Clare) (20:29)
30. Mastering Productive Obsessions and Creative Mania (Sasha Boyle) (5:08)
31. Creating While Feeling Blue (Natalie Dadamio) (15:25)
32. Dealing with Pain While Creating (Oana Deac) (17:04)
33. Juggling Creativity with Day Jobs or Career (Cynthia Holloway Kelvin) (4:39)
34. Creativity and Self-Care (Beth Ann Dailey) (4:57)
35. Handling the Special Challenges of Writers (Jana Van der Veer) (12:19)
36. Handling the Special Challenges of Musicians (Cynthia Holloway Kelvin) (5:14)
37. Handling the Special Challenges of Filmmakers (Nefeli Soteriou) (4:14)
38. Handling the Special Challenges of Performers (Elena Greco) (20:38)
39. Handling Stage Fright (Nick Lazaris) (8:58)
40. Making Sense of Creativity in Business (Gaia Orion) (5:00)
41. The Power of Persistence for Creative Success (Nick Lazaris) (9:36)
42. Saying Yes to Success (Steevie Jane Parks) (6:25)
43. Planning Made Simple(r) (Saundra Alexis Heath) (12:24)
44. Finding Your Creative Voice (Natalie Dadamio) (20:16)
45. Reenergizing Stalled Projects (Jude Walsh) (14:13)
46. Starting a Daily Creative Practice (Ashley Lamothe) (9:02)
47. Finding Flow in the Art-Making Process (Helen Klebesadel) (33:18)
48. Mindfulness & Meditation (Angela Johnson) (15:56)
49. Creating Your Own Safe Space (Kiana Love) (8:02)
50. Working on Projects (Sasha Boyle) (14:24)
51. Be Aware, Ideas Are Everywhere! (Natalia Font) (6:00)
52. Handling Doubts, Distractions, and Inner Objections (Aneesah Wilhelmstätter) (17:49)
53. The Creative’s Swiss Army Knife (Aneesah Wilhelmstätter) (20:07)
54. Celebrating Creativity (Sharlene Anders) (8:09)
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6. Messiness, Playfulness and Wildness as Creative Tools (Jacqui Beck)
Jacqui Beck - Messiness, Playfulness, and Wildness Resources List.pdf
Jacqui Beck - Messiness, Playfulness, and Wildness Resources List.pdf
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