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Mastering the One-Person Business
How to Use Our Program
Your Master Checklist
Read Me - Technical Details
1. Where to Start (2:53)
2. Revenue Stream or Livelihood (2:32)
3. Getting Clearer (2:42)
4. Genuinely Wanting It (2:47)
5. Not Feeling Ready (2:50)
6. Your Niche (2:58)
7. Your Brand (3:43)
8. Purpose and Passion (2:57)
9. Describing What You Do (3:08)
10. Describing Yourself (2:57)
11. Making Time, Spending Time (2:55)
12. Sooner Rather Than Later (2:58)
13. That Website Thing (3:12)
14. That Technology Thing (3:26)
15. That Social Media Thing (3:13)
16. Go Live! (3:19)
17. Announce It (3:29)
18. Calls to Action (3:15)
19. Your newsletter (3:57)
20. Working Globally (3:35)
21. Your Global Friends (3:05)
22. Working Locally (3:30)
23. Your Local Friends (3:16)
24. Support Team (3:41)
25. Sounding Board (3:42)
26. Choices, Choices, Choices (3:31)
27. Embracing Process (3:02)
28. Getting Better (3:20)
29. Bigger Impact (3:38)
30. Making Connections (3:05)
31. Repeating Successes (3:23)
32. Procrastinate Effectively (3:05)
33. Speaking Up (3:35)
34. The Power of Passive Income (3:28)
35. Marketing and Promoting (3:22)
36. The Shortcut File (3:47)
37. Dawn Quiet (3:05)
38. Fifteen Minutes Here and There (3:11)
39. Too Tired (3:42)
40. Too Busy (3:16)
41. Making Improvements (3:40)
42. Obligations (3:16)
43. Contractual Obligations (3:37)
44. People Skills (3:41)
45. Values and Principles (3:28)
46. Not Burning Bridges (3:23)
47. Providing What's Wanted (3:08)
48. Hit Reply (3:27)
49. Seizing Opportunities (3:22)
50. Saying "Yes" (3:07)
51. Saying "No" (3:42)
52. Multiple Products and Services (3:22)
53. Multiple Businesses (4:04)
54. Letting Go (3:11)
55. Surviving Success (3:11)
56. Chaos (3:39)
57. If You’ve Started and Stopped (3:07)
58. Celebrations (3:21)
59. Today Matters (3:33)
60. Your Solo Business (3:22)
1. MODULE - Building Your Business
Introduction - Building Your Business
1. Your Coaching Practice
2. Revenue Stream or Full Income?
3. Actually Wanting Clients and a Practice
4. Making Time for Practice-Building
5. Looking For and Securing Clients
6. Big Impact Choices
7. Thinking Locally AND Globally
8. Your Niche and Brand
9. Pitches
10. Coaching Packages
11. Finding Partners
12. Classes, Workshops and Retreats
13. Speaking in the World
14. Your Website
15. Your Website Store
16. Building Your List
17. Products and Programs
18. Your File of Queries and Responses
19. Trainings
20. The Timing of Your Efforts
21. Your Overall Plan, Daily Plan and One-Year Plan
2. MODULE - You Are Your Brand
Introduction - You Are Your Brand
1. Taking a Relaxed Inventory
2. What's on Your Mind
3. What's in Your Heart
4. You Are Your Brand
5. Multiple Brands-Abundance or Confusion
6. Choosing, Naming, Delivering
7. Your Implementation Plan
8. The Tasks of Continuing
3. MODULE - Finding Customers
Introduction - Finding Customers
1. Tourists as Your New Art Market
2. How Creative Tourism Works
3. Your Marketing Efforts
4. How to Enlist Stakeholders
5. Artists as Renewable Resources
6. From the Tourist's Perspective
7. Your Further Initiatives and Efforts
8. One Artist's Workshop
4. MODULE - Adding a Product or Service
1. Getting Started
2. Picking your idea
3. Choosing Your Venue
4. Understanding the Basics
5. Following Through
6. Marketing and Running Your Workshop
7. Teaching Online
8. Turning Your Class Into a Book
9. Concluding Details
5. MODULE - Marketplace Basics
Introduction - Marketplace Basics
1. Basics of Relating in the Marketplace
2. Assessing Marketplace Strengths and Weaknesses
3. Selling in the Art Marketplace
4. Adopting a Public Persona
5. Practicing Empathy
6. Dealing with Criticism
7. Eavesdropping on a Coaching Session
8. Maintaining Global Relationships
9. Meeting Your Art Deadlines
10. Preserving Marketplace Relationships
11. Balancing Multiple Marketplace Relationships
12. Handling Difficult Meetings
13. Negotiating Your Prices
14. Making New Connections
15. Rejecting Romantic Mythology
6. MODULE - Systems, Automation and Other Practical Projects
Lesson One - Starting Point. Where am I?
Lesson Two - Making Time Work for You
Lesson Three - Routine and the Value of Change
Lesson Four - Systemizing Your Solo Business
Lesson Five - Automating Your Solo Business
Lesson Six - Building a Better Online Platform
Project - How to Plan Your Product
Project: - Plan a Business System
Project - Organizing an Automation from Scratch
Project - Planning a Sales Funnel
Project - Planning a Lead Magnet
Project - Build Your Own F.A.Q.
Project - Client Intake
Project - Create a Simple Marketing Plan
Project - Find Time Through Better Email Practices
Bonus Materials
Your Anxiety Mastery Menu
Key Communication Skills
Ten Second Centering
Ron's 37 Thoughts to Grow Your Business On
The Secret Organizational Life of Coach "X"
Super Bonus
Super-Bonus #1
Super-Bonus #2
Teach online with
16. Go Live!
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