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21 Days to Healing Trauma
21 Days to Healing Trauma
Day 1. Understanding Trauma
Day 2. The Consequences of Trauma
Day 3. Symptoms and Suspicions
Day 4. Your Freedom to Heal
Day 5. The Stance of Mindfulness
Day 6. Redecorating Your Mind
Day 7. Listening to Your Body
Day 8. Learning Skill 1: Awareness
Day 9. Learning Skill 2: Calmness
Day 10. Learning Skill 3: Courage
Day 11. Learning Skill 4. Right Thinking
Day 12. Learning Skill 5: Adaptability
Day 13. Learning Skill 6: Self-Care
Day 14. Learning Skill 7: Resilience
Day 15. Learning Skill 8: Resourcefulness
Day 16. Identifying Triggers
Day 17. Feeling Safe
Day 18. Having a Voice
19. Engaging in Self-Reflection
Day 20. Choosing Support
Day 21. Living Purposefully
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Day 20. Choosing Support
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