21 Days to Healing Trauma
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Hundreds of millions of victims of trauma must deal with the negative consequences of trauma while, at the same time, not being helped that much by the current mental health system. These many victims are suffering from the consequences of trauma and may not even know it, because instead of having their traumatic experiences taken seriously they are simply given a diagnostic label and a pill—and the underlying trauma remains unidentified and unaddressed.
Do you suffer from depression? Anxiety? Addictive behaviors? Relationship difficulties? Difficulties concentrating? Problems with procrastination and motivation? These powerful challenges may be the result of unrecognized trauma. In this groundbreaking class, you’ll learn to recognize the effects of trauma and you’ll receive a complete program for healing from trauma. You may be suffering from the effects of trauma and not even know it. Find out now!
Trauma produces a startling array of lifelong negative effects, including physical ailments. persistent anxiety, addictive behaviors, and chronic despair. 21 Days to Healing Trauma is your roadmap to a better understanding of what trauma does and what you can do to heal. By the end of the twenty-one days you’ll not only understand how to heal from trauma—you will be deep into the healing process.
in 21 Days to Healing Trauma, Dr. Eric Maisel, author of The Future of Mental Health, Rethinking Depression, Overcoming Your Difficult Family, and fifty other books, describes the path to healing from trauma. Editor for parent resources at Mad in America, Psychology Today’s “Rethinking Mental Health” blogger, and one America’s most popular and respected teachers, Dr.Maisel clearly and concisely presents a complete program for healing from trauma. Benefit from his decades of experience as a psychotherapist and coach starting today.
In 21 Days to Healing Trauma you will learn:
• The 8 vital skills required for healing
• How trauma lives on in the body
• Trauma triggers – and what you can do about them
• How to access your healing freedom
• The hidden consequences of trauma – and how to spot them
• A complete program for healing from trauma
Each day brings a new lesson.
21 Days to Healing Trauma
Day 1. Understanding Trauma
Day 2. The Consequences of Trauma
Day 3. Symptoms and Suspicions
Day 4. Your Freedom to Heal
Day 5. The Stance of Mindfulness
Day 6. Redecorating Your Mind
Day 7. Listening to Your Body
Day 8. Learning Skill 1: Awareness
Day 9. Learning Skill 2: Calmness
Day 10. Learning Skill 3: Courage
Day 11. Learning Skill 4: Right Thinking
Day 12. Learning Skill 5: Adaptability
Day 13. Learning Skill 6: Self-Care
Day 14. Learning Skill 7: Resilience
Day 15. Learning Skill 8: Resourcefulness
Day 16. Identifying Triggers
Day 17. Feeling Safe
Day 18. Having a Voice
Day 19. Engaging in Self-Reflection
Day 20. Choosing Support
Day 21. Living Purposefully
Begin your healing journey today.
Your Instructor
Eric Maisel is the author of 50+ books. His recent books include Why Smart Teens Hurt, Redesign Your Mind, and The Power of Daily Practice. Among his other books are Coaching the Artist Within, Fearless Creating, Rethinking Depression, and The Van Gogh Blues. Dr. Maisel writes the “Rethinking Mental Health” blog for Psychology Today, with 3,000,000 + views, and is the creator and lead editor for the Ethics International Press Critical Psychology and Critical Psychiatry Series. A retired family therapist and active creativity coach, Dr. Maisel’s forthcoming books include The Coach’s Way (New World Library) and Deconstructing ADHD (Ethics International Press). Dr. Maisel provides workshops, webinars and keynotes nationally and internationally, trains creativity coaches, and facilitates support groups for writers. You can visit him at http://www.ericmaisel.com and contact him at [email protected]
Course Curriculum
StartDay 1. Understanding Trauma
StartDay 2. The Consequences of Trauma
StartDay 3. Symptoms and Suspicions
StartDay 4. Your Freedom to Heal
StartDay 5. The Stance of Mindfulness
StartDay 6. Redecorating Your Mind
StartDay 7. Listening to Your Body
StartDay 8. Learning Skill 1: Awareness
StartDay 9. Learning Skill 2: Calmness
StartDay 10. Learning Skill 3: Courage
StartDay 11. Learning Skill 4. Right Thinking
StartDay 12. Learning Skill 5: Adaptability
StartDay 13. Learning Skill 6: Self-Care
StartDay 14. Learning Skill 7: Resilience
StartDay 15. Learning Skill 8: Resourcefulness
StartDay 16. Identifying Triggers
StartDay 17. Feeling Safe
StartDay 18. Having a Voice
Start19. Engaging in Self-Reflection
StartDay 20. Choosing Support
StartDay 21. Living Purposefully